ERM System

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Employee Resource Management (ERM) System


Developed this comprehensive Web Application - (ERM) System from scratch during my intership at Memozin Pvt Ltd

Designed a centralized MySQL database satisfying BCNF Normalization. Privileges for a user is divided into three categories i.e. Superadmin, Admin & Employee. It has submodules such as automated attendance recorder that is implemented by scanning the network through Nmap, Employee performance analyzer, Project monitoring system, leave management system and an Internal Chat System implemented by using AJAX.


Superadmin (SA), Admin(A) and Employee(E)

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1. Login Registration

2. User Profile (SA, A, E)

3. Automated Attendance Recording (SA, A, E)

4. Accessing Employees Attendance (SA, A)

5. Accessing Employees Profile/Salary (SA, A)

6. Apply Leave (SA, A, E)

7. View/Approve Leave (SA, A)

8. Project Creation / Setting Goals (SA)

9. Employee Success Evalution (SA, A)

10. Registering an Employee (A)

11. View Transfer Projects (SA, A, E)

12. View Project Status (SA)

13. Project Transfer and Billing (SA, A, E)

13. Internal Project Chat System (SA, A, E)

14. Project Notification (SA, A, E)

Login Panel (SA, A, E)

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Superadmin Panel (SA)

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Set Goals, Create Projects for Employees (SA)

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Assign Project to a Employees based upon their designation (SA)

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Assign task to Employees (SA)

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Personal Profile (SA, A, E)

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Peer Employees Detail (SA, A)

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Employee Performance Assessment (SA, A)

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Admin Panel (A)

New Employee Registration - General Form (1/3)(A)

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New Employee Registration - Qualifications Form (2/3)(A)

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New Employee Registration - Experience Form (3/3) (A)

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Employee Panel

Employee Projects (E)

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Project-Task Details (Read only) (E)

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Task Updates(Chat) History - AJAX (E)

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New Update (E)

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Edit Task - Bill, Transfer etc (E)

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Realtime instant Notifications (SA, A, E)

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