Python Scraping

Google, TripAdvisor, JIIT and JIIT Simplified

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Python codes for Scraping Google (, TripAdvisor (, JIIT ( and JIIT Simplified (

Google Scraping

Problem Statement

To store Google Search results for Java Logging

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Python Script and MySQL Database

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## MySQL Database alt text

TripAdvisor Scraping

Problem Statement

To Scrap Flight ID numbers from TripAdvisor (Used for self-education only)

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Page allows Post Request only

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## Post to GET alt text

## Database

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JIIT Website Scraping

Problem Statement

To create a faculty information portal (Used for self-education only)

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Python Code

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## Database alt text

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JIIT Simplified Scraping

Problem Statement

To update static HTML pages at JIIT Simplified, move static information to MySQL and recreate Dynamic Pages.

Old pages at JIIT Simplified with static HTML

Example: visit

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Scarpped database

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New Dymanic Placement Forum (for Desktop only)

Example: visit

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