Attendance Management System

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Automated Attendance Management System (AMS)


This Flask-based Web Application is implemented during my internship at Nyalazone Solutions Pvt Ltd

Automated AMS aims to automatically log the attendance from Network using Mac Address collected by Nmap ( Database roles & privileges in PostgreSQL (3NF) is configured for Admin, HR & Employees of the company.

Additionally, a Web-application is designed to view and manage attendance with two types of priveleges namely Admin/HR (AHR)and Employees (E).


Admin/HR (AHR) Employee (E)


Login (AHR, E)

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Automated Attendance Polling: (AHR, E) with the aid of active fingerprinting of Network using Nmap

View Peers Details: Address, Status, Phone etc (AHR, E)

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Searching Peer Details (AHR, E)

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View Personal Attendance (AHR, E)

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View Peer Attendance (AHR)

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Edit Attendance (AHR)

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Apply for Leave, Optional Holiday or Work from home: (AHR, E)

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Edit MacAddress (AHR)

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Enable-Disable Employees (AHR)

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Register New Employee (AHR)

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